Riding DVD 1: Safety - The First Step to a Great Ride

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Using a young, confident, newly started, herd bound horse who hasn't been ridden in over a month, Jonathan covers core safety skills ALL riders and their horses can benefit from. Whether you have been around horses all your life or you are brand new to horses, you'll learn fundamental skills that will ensure you greater success in your horsemanship goals.

*Learn fundamental skills that will help you progress safely, whatever your horsemanship goals.

*Learn how to determine whether or not your horse is safe to ride and ready to learn.

*Understand the benefits of starting in a natural rope hackamore.

*Learn the three core rein positions: neutral lateral, indirect, and direct.

*Learn the one rein and the two rein back-up.

*Understand how your horse can be "running away" with you at the standstill.

*Learn safe saddling and mounting procedures.

*Jonathan answers the critical question "When and why should I get off?


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