Ground DVD 2: Clear Communication: The Cornerstone of Your Relationship

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Ground DVD 2: Clear Communication: The Cornerstone of Your Relationship
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Clear communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, including the one you have with your horse!

Using three horses, Jonathan teaches you how to refine your communication so that both you and your horse can develop and progress with confidence.

*Watch as Jonathan builds confidence in a young, fearful horse by clearly communicating his intent.

*Refine your practical application of the Primary Equine Language (Neutral, Friendly, Touch and Driving).

*Learn how NOT to have a stick based relationship using pressure effectively so that ultimately everything works off just your intention.

*Learn the power of the neutral sweet spot.

*Learn the 6C’s of Horsemanship and how to apply them to both you and your horse.

*Learn how to better read your horse’s behaviour so that you can adapt to it more quickly.

*Build a strong partnership through the Horseman’s Dance.



Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Jonathan Field Horsemanship DVDs