The Story
What is Jonathan Field Horsemanship
In 2006 Jonathan took all the theory,
skills and experiences from his life with horses and integrated them
into his own method of teaching people how to become excellent with
their horses: Jonathan Field Horsemanship, Inspired by Horses.
Jonathan refers to his program as Inspired by Horses
because it is the horses that inspired him to develop it. It is a
program designed with the horse in mind through every step while
developing the relationship between horse and human, or Ultimate
Predator with Ultimate Prey Animal. Teaching you to think the way a
horse thinks keeps your horse interested in you, allowing you to gain
access to something very special - the ultimate relationship with a
With Jonathan’s natural ability to
communicate, he’s made his program fun and easy to understand in a
step-by-step format designed to teach you how to achieve your dreams
with horses.
The Field Horsemanship Program begins with an 80% focus on teaching you
the skills, abilities, talents and traits to become a horseman or
horsewoman and use these skills to further your horse. The program is
divided into five Courses: Leadership, Unity, Feel, Engagement and
Purpose. Within these five Courses are the simple and balanced lessons
you and your horse need to achieve your goals, without force and without
breaking your horse’s spirit. As you advance your skills and build
your horse’s trust and confidence, you will experience how the Field
Horsemanship Program carries you seamlessly through Natural Herd Development techniques to establish your relationship, and into Natural Psychology-based Training skills, to advance your horsemanship into higher performance levels.
This evolution has taken Jonathan beyond
his dreams, and he’s not stopping yet. He is a gifted teacher,
presenter and horseman with a driving passion to share his message. A
message that is proving amazing results world wide, with the Field
Horsemanship Program now being adopted in England, Ireland, Europe,
Australia and all over North America. Join us in this moment in history
when mankind achieves higher horsemanship and appreciates these
wonderful creatures for who they are and what they’ve done for us. It’s
a time of more humane methods and true understanding of the horse.
Who is Jonathan Field?
parents introduced him to horses when he was just a year old and he's
been around them ever since. Growing up in the rural community of
Bradner, British Columbia, Jonathan spent many evenings and weekends
with his family and friends spending time with their horses. In a
helmet and jodhpurs riding his small, buckskin Quarterhorse 'Wee Mite Buck' everywhere, jumping everything, racing friends on the trail and competing in the local 4H club.
At the age of 13, a trip to a cattle
branding with his family changed Jonathan's focus, spurring him toward
another path with horses. He was now determined to be a cowboy. For four
seasons Jonathan worked at the historic Quilchena Cattle Company, one
of the largest operating cattle ranches in Canada. He lived the cowboy
life, nestled in a cow camp, riding the range every day, driving cows,
branding calves — rain, snow or shine. Each day was spent in the saddle,
and a teenaged Jonathan could imagine nothing better.
In 1995 Jonathan's family hosted
a horsemanship demonstration at their ranch. Still a cocky, brash young
cowboy, Jonathan wasn't prepared for what awaited him there. The
demonstrator was Pat Parelli. Witnessing the relationship between Pat
and his horses really opened Jonathan's eyes to the possibility of a
similar bond with his own horses.
so often shifts unexpectedly, and Jonathan decided to pursue a stable
future with his family's water well drilling company and his cowboying
days were delegated to occasional opportunities. However, a
well-drilling accident in the bush, 20 minutes from the nearest town,
changed everything. A 500-pound steel casing fell from 20 feet in the
air after its supporting chain failed, landing on Jonathan's arm,
crushing and amputating all but half-an-inch of skin on his left wrist.
After nearly succumbing to blood loss and shock during the almost ten
hours of travel by plane and ambulance, four doctors at Vancouver
General Hospital decided to attempt the reattachment and rebuilding of
Jonathan's hand and wrist. After a remarkable and successful surgery,
Jonathan awoke in a haze in the hospital's plastics and burns unit,
obviously uncertain of his future. The painful months of recovery were
the beginning of a journey that would change Jonathan forever, leading
him toward a life with horses and a new perspective on life overall.
A New Reality
in the hospital, Jonathan came to the realization that he was done with
drilling rigs. His mind kept returning to horses and to the dream of
the connection he wanted with them. That vision gave him purpose and
conviction, and Jonathan decided to dedicate his life to achieving that
goal: To become the best horseman he could be.
With (future
wife) Angie and family by his side every day, the next few months were a
period filled with intense pain, more surgeries, and anxiety over what
the future would hold.
During the following months of physical
therapy and pain management, Jonathan's focus on recovery was played out
minute-by-minute. The doctors performed a miracle with reattaching
tendons, aligning bones and transplanting nerves in a surgery that was
not possible even just four years earlier. The doctors phenomenally
performed the technical work, but the future mobility of Jonathan's hand
was entirely up to his dedication toward healing.
with the realities of his future and feeling sorry for all he felt he
had lost, Jonathan was about to encounter the one thing he needed to hear in order to move forward.
one night while working on stretching and strengthening and martial
arts with friend and Judo expert, Osamu Kasahara, talk turned to
Jonathan's accident. Osamu sensed Jonathan's struggle and presented him
with one of the most powerful thoughts he'd ever heard. He said to
Jonathan, "You have two choices. To suffer or to heal. This statement
hit Jonathan hard and forced him to face that the future was in his
hands. He took control and made the decision to heal, and to be better for the accident, instead of worse because of it.
healing and growth now turned internal, and the mental challenges
escalated. Because the accident happened so far out in the remote bush,
Jonathan was forced to watch himself bleed out in the cab of a jeep
while cradling his mangled hand against his chest while traveling over a
bumpy dirt road. This experience left Jonathan with Post Traumatic
Stress, punctuated with periods of re-living the horror through
terrorizing flashbacks and nightmares.
Jonathan will be the
first to admit that prior to the accident he was not a patient nor
sympathetic man. Had he been faced with a friend in this situation,
Jonathan's reaction would have been along the lines of "Get over it!,"
"Cowboy up" or "It's all in your head." Well, at that point in time, the
trauma was all in Jonathan's head. Instead of ignoring it, he
realized that his head was exactly where the next recovery needed to
take place. With the direction of a clinical counselor he learned about
things he had never even contemplated, and began the road to healing
emotionally and mentally.
This path of personal growth is a huge
contributor to the empathy and sensitivity Jonathan now displays with
fearful horses and worried people. If not for Jonathan's decision to
heal, he would not be as sympathetic as he is today, nor would he be
such a compassionate teacher.
Becoming A Horseman
Because Natural Horsemanship was the philosophy that had planted the seed in his mind all those years ago, Jonathan was
now driven to learn as much as he could. All during his recovery
period, Jonathan watched horsemanship videos hundreds of times, and
gradually started applying these methods with his own horses. Over the
next ten years Jonathan studied closely with a number of top
instructors, learning their methods, listening to their ideas. He worked
day and night toward becoming a valued and accomplished horseman:
reading books, watching videos, attending clinics and studying the works
of Pat Parelli, Ronnie Willis, Craig Johnson, Ray Hunt, Dr. R.M. Miller
and George Morris, to name a few. Jonathan's success is not a surprise
when you consider the gracious help, time and experience so many wise
and talented horseman have personally shared with him. This willingness
to share knowledge has sparked Jonathan to go the extra mile to help a
student or a troubled horse, sometimes late into the evening at a
clinic. He'll say the best way to repay your teachers is by passing it
on to others.
Jonathan has since started hundreds of horses;
trailer loaded thousands, including wild and problem horses; and has
developed his own horses into the best friends and partners that you see
in his demonstrations. He has coached, mentored and shared his
knowledge with thousands of people in clinics and presentations.
Jonathan's been the crowd favorite at the Mane Event in both Red Deer
and Chilliwack in British Columbia since 2004, and he headlined the 2008
and 2010 Western States Horse Expo in Sacramento, California. He also
attracted a record number of horse enthusiasts at the 2009 Western
Canada Farm Progress Show in Regina, Saskatchewan. Jonathan recently
shot a pilot for a television series and is beginning work on a book
that promises to bring his message to even more horse lovers around the
In addition to being a passionate teacher and gifted
presenter, Jonathan is an amazing horseman on a quest to share his
knowledge with horse lovers around the world. Join him on his journey
and stay forever 'Inspired by Horses'. |