Using three horses, all at different stages in their development,
Jonathan thoroughly explains the components that make up lead changes.
He gives you a clear step-by-step process to go achieve clean and
consistent lead departures, simple drop-to-the-trot lead changes and,
ultimately, flying lead changes.
*Jonathan takes the mystery and confusion out of leads and lead changes
in a fifty minute session with one of his top horses, Boo.
*Learn the 7 Step Process to the Flying lead change and watch as
Jonathan takes a nine year old ranch horse through the steps in a
complete tutorial.
*Watch Jonathan ride a dressage horse and get him moving forward easily in order to get clean flying changes.
*Understand the importance of setting the proper flexion.
*Learn how to keep your horse relaxed while doing flying lead changes.
(This DVD is strongly linked to Developing a Great Riding Horse From the
Ground DVD 3 GROUND)